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Vinitech-Sifel Virtual 2020

Bordeaux, France Viti / Vini Hosting Delegates

Vinitech-Sifel Virtual 1-3 December 2020

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the international Vinitech-Sifel 2020 exhibition could not be held as planned at the Bordeaux Lac exhibition centre from 1 to 3 December. In order to maintain this essential event and while waiting to be able to walk the aisles again, the organisers have decided to organise a virtual event on the same dates: Vinitech-Sifel Virtual.

This virtual trade show consisted of an exhibitor hall, an auditorium with a programme of technical conferences and a networking area to organise one-to-one meetings.

For this digital edition, and in order to maintain the international aspect of the trade show, Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine carried out prospecting actions and animated 5 international virtual pavilions to highlight the wine production of different countries, and chestnut production in the world.

The team had to adapt its way of working and learn to use tools specific to virtual events: film, video editing, teasing, videoconference animation, more adapted communication on social networks, etc.

In the end, and in a record time of one month, the team was able to mobilise foreign professionals to register and take part in the event, and to produce visual content for the five international pavilions (a total of 5 live broadcasts, 15 videos available for replay, country files constituting the product catalogues of the different pavilions, and a dozen photos on each pavilion).

The Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine team implemented a digital strategy for the international pavilions during the Vinitech-Sifel Virtual 2020 trade show. The goal was to build an experience close to the technical visits that are usually made at the show in person (at the châteaux and laboratories).

On social networks, we communicated a lot in order to gain more visibility and to create a buzz among our international network.

In total, we published from November 4th to December 4th :

– 26 Facebook posts

– 22 Instagram posts

– 21 LinkedIn posts

Vinitech-Sifel Virtual

Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine did everything possible to offer international visitors something different and also had to adapt, familiarise itself with new tools and change its way of working. In one month, the team had to coordinate the management of the virtual pavilions: centralising and processing the media sent from different countries (Argentina, Canada, Serbia, Ukraine, USA, Chile…) making its own videos (Tourteau Chollet, Calon Ségur, Château Dillon, Oenocentres Pauillac virtual tours), building an interesting live programme with speakers from different geographical areas (China, Japan, USA, Australia, Serbia, Ukraine) while promoting the event internationally via email campaigns and social networks.