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Aquitanima Tours Online 2021

Bordeaux, France Elevage, Maraichage, Arboriculture … Field missions

Aquitanima Tours Online 2021

This year, the organisers of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Agricultural Trade Show have chosen to offer a hybrid edition from 17 to 22 May with live competitions (without an audience), round tables, debates and a space to visit the farms virtually during the Aquitanima Tours Online.

Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine has been a partner of Aquitanima for many years and works with the trade show on international promotion and the reception of international visitors on the Nouvelle-Aquitaine territory (3 days of technical visits). In order to face the current context, the tours have been made in digital format: the Aquitanima Tours Online, novelty for the 2021 edition.

Interco and its partners were mobilised in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s area to film the different farms, genetic selection centres and training schools of the different breeds so that international visitors could experience and follow the trade show and the tours from their homes. All videos have been translated into Spanish, English and French.

A synthesis of the technical visits with testimonies and interviews during the Aquitanima Tours Online 2021 :

· Equestrian Tours: Galop Tour (Pau Racecourse, Haras du Mazet breeding, AFASEC) and Traction Tour (National School for Winegrowing Horses, National School for Donkeys)

· Limousine Tour: Lanaud National Qualification Station, Saint-Yriex la Perche Agricultural High School, Guillaume Vandenberghe’s stud in Asques

· Blonde Tour: Casteljaloux Station, Auriva Station in Casteljaloux, Dax Agricultural High School, les Reflets de l’Adour Farm

· Bazadaise Tour: Casteljaloux Station, Bazas Agricultural High School, Jouannon Jean-Luc and Noëlle Filleau Farm

· Goat Tour: Deux Villages Farm (alpine goat breeding), Jérôme Clochard la grande houmée (goat nursery) and INRAE Patuchev les verrines (innovative and sustainable goat breeding systems)

· Parthenaise Tour: Melle Agricultural High School, breeding evaluation station in Melle, Galardon Farm in Vernoux Sur Boutonne

· Crossbreed Tour: la Bourdette Farm in Puylaurens, YPERIOS

In terms of social networks, we have communicated a lot in order to gain more visibility and to create a enthusiasm among our international network.

Global statistics of Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s channels:

Facebook: + than 42,936 people reached by the publications

On average, 1101 people reached / post to 6783 people reached in one post

Instagram: + than 196 likes

19.7 views on average per post

LinkedIn: + than 7941 views on Christine Pecastaingts’ account

+ than 2771 impressions on INTERCO’s page

On average, 282 people reached / post An average engagement rate of 7.12% per publication

Mailing: Mailing of the Save the date “Aquitanima tours Online 2021” to 619 foreign professional participants from 2010 to 2019 in French, Spanish and English.

Mailing of the “Aquitanima tours Online 2021” Save the Date to 180 partner contacts, institutions, agricultural high schools and farms visited during the Aquitanima tours of the agricultural, bovine, goat and equestrian sectors.



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