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ISSIB Quebec 2019: Biomaterials – Biotechnologies for implantable medical devices

Québec, Canada Autre Field missions

Promoting France-Quebec cooperation


The Franco-Quebec/French and Quebec Fund for Decentralised Cooperation (FFQCD in French) has financed the project “Franco-Quebec/ French and Quebec Network for Innovation in Biomaterials and Biotechnologies for Implantable Medical Devices” for 2019. This project aims to capitalise on the technologies and the expertise that each region has developed individually to face up to together the main challenges of this industry.

Within the framework of this project, the International Cooperation Agency of Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region (INTERCO Nouvelle-Aquitaine) and Québec International (QI) are organising two trade and scientific missions in 2019:

  • From France to Quebec, during the 7th International Symposium on Surfaces and Interfaces of Biomaterials (ISSIB) which was held from 22 to 25 July in Quebec City
  • From Quebec to France, during the 44th Society of Biomechanics Congress which will take place from 28 to 30 October in Poitiers or during the first week of November on the occasion of the Health Week organised in Bordeaux by numerous partners from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region.

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine delegation represents 6 structures: Abys Medical, Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénieries/Institute of Mechanics and Engineering of Bordeaux University (I2M), BIOTIS, Clinical Investigation Centre for Technological Innovation (CIC-IT), I.CERAM, ALPhANOV

Our goals :

To promote partnerships and innovation in this activity

Bringing together industrialists and scientists with similar issues and complementary skills in order to offer them business and collaboration opportunities.

ALLIS N-A, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and its partners Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Québec International participated in the ISSIB 2019 symposium with a professional stand.


The objective was to present the professional delegation, our missions and to ensure the presence of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region through ALLIS N-A

L’accueil a eu lieu à l’occasion du 7eSymposium International sur les surfaces et interfaces des biomatériaux (ISSIB), qui se déroulait au centre des congrès de Québec du 23 au 25 juillet

In total, 20 personalized meetings were organised and 12 research centres were visited



1 incubator visit

  • Technological entrepreneurship incubator (LE CAMP)

4 industrial visits :

  • Industrial Research Center of Québec (CRIQ)
  • National Optics Institute (INO)
  • Centre for Interactive Media and Imaging (CIMMI)
  • Medical Technology Research Centre (TOPMED)

7 visits to research centres :

  • Advanced Imaging Platform – Quebec Heart and Lung Institute (IUCPQ)
  • Biomaterials and Bioengineering Laboratory (LBB) – Hôpital St-François d’Assise
  • Laboratory in experimental organogenesis (LOEX) – Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus
  • Laboratory in Oral Ecology (GREB) – Faculty of Dentistry of Laval University
  • Centre for Optics, Photonics and Laser (COPL) – Laval University
  • Research Centre CERVO – University Institute in Mental Health
  • Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS)