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5th National Wine Forum of Kiev 2019

Kiev, Ukraine Viti / Vini Field missions

From 28 November to 1 December 2019

OBJECTIVE : to strengthen cooperation between Ukraine and Nouvelle-Aquitaine region – prospecting for Vinitech-Sifel 2020 and the Cité du Vin

On the occasion of the 5th National Wine Forum of Kiev organised by the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Embassy of Kiev, the French Embassy invited experts from Bordeaux in order to talk about French south western experience and different possible types of cooperation between the region and Ukraine. Indeed, Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine participated to represent the region, Vinitech-Sifel and the Cité du Vin  alongside an expert from the wine center.

The first day was devoted to the forum, where about a hundred people were present. 90% of the audience was made up of Ukrainian wine producers, some of them participated at Vinitech in 2018.

On this occasion, INTERCO Nouvelle-Aquitaine took part in an expert’s panel  to present Vinitech and the possibilities of partnerships with the Cité du Vin.

The forum ended with the launch of the Ukrainian Wine Guide which lists 183 references, 48 wineries spread over 7 wine regions.

The first day concluded with a cocktail where about 60 winemakers offered their wines and brandies for tasting.

On the second day of the forum we visited a company producing mead and tasted Ukrainian wines listed in the Ukraine’s Wine Guide 2019 at a French wine shop established in Ukraine 14 years ago. Please note that the tasting comments will be sent to the concerned winemakers via the French Embassy in Ukraine.

Opportunities of cooperation : the announcement of Vinitech – Sifel has marked the spirits and we hope to welcome an important Ukrainian delegation at Vinitech 2020 that is representative of the entire industry (training – research – producers – distributors – institutions …) and offer a Ukrainian stand on the international village.