Our team

“Humanity, it’s in our DNA” What makes us special is our in-depth knowledge of our partners, their needs, as well as our powerful and responsive international network.

Exporting our sectors of excellence to the four corners of the world.”

Chairman INTERCO Nouvelle-Aquitaine

A message from our Chairman

I have the pleasure and honour of succeeding Yves Bertrand as Chairman of our agency. As the regional councillor responsible for international cooperation under President Alain Rousset, it was only natural that I should agree to continue the networking work we’ve been doing for 30 years. This patient work of putting people in touch with each other has enabled several of Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s sectors of excellence to shine on the international stage. Our team’s networking expertise will continue to serve the jewels of our economy on the ground, in the four corners of the world.



Hélène LOPEZ
Deputy Director

Véronique MARTY
Executive Secretary

Project Officer and communication Officer

INTERCO, the strength of

a unique international network

30 years of experience

During our 30 year history, here at INTERCO we have built a network of thousands of professional contacts; a combination of decision-makers from the private sector as well as government institutions and publics organizations, throughout the five continents.

A versatile team

We have established strong interpersonal relationships maintained throughout the year during missions that we organize in the field, whether we are wearing oxfords or wellington boots. From Georgia to Bolivia, China to Madagascar, the relationships we forge with companies, public organizations, vineyards, farms, trade shows and research laboratories create optimal conditions for development.

INTERCO, international at the service of territorial development


INTERCO is part of the Connect International Network and works with all of its members to promote exportation in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. This system brings together regional and national players who support the economic development of France abroad and promote the attractiveness of French territories to investors.

Whether alone or in collaboration with other structures such as Team Export, AANA, ADI (Aquitaine Development Innovation) or other regional organizations, the INTERCO team supports and illustrates every day the capacity of the players in our region to innovate, exchange, and develop internationally.

Our General Assembly